Friday 8 January 2010

Gainford, County Durham

All the photo's here were taken on 6th Jan 2010 whilst walking along the banks of the river Tees at Gainford in County Durham. The edges of the river are frozen.

Shortly before taking these I witnessed a Heron taking off and landing in the tree tops, and a Wren searching for food underneath a bench sited on the river bank.

Monday 31 August 2009

South Gare (Mouth of River Tees)

Looking back over the Corus steel works at Redcar from the South Gare

Lobster pots awaiting repair

Two fisherman on the "river side" of the South Gare silhouetted by the sinking sun

Roseberry Topping, Newton-under-Roseberry.

This first picture was taken near the foot of Roseberry Topping looking towards Newton-under-Roseberry as the sun was going down.

Looking out over the Cleveland coastline from summit of Roseberry Topping.

Taken on the approach to Roseberry Topping from Great Ayton

Sunday 30 August 2009

Saltburn, Cleveland

The white building at the right of this picture is the Ship Inn, a local pub, and a welcome respite after walking along the cliff tops that you can see behind it. There are fantastic views from the top, of the surrounding countryside and the coastline that stretches as far away as Sunderland and beyond, which can be seen on a clear day.

The cliff's above Saltburn are known as "Huntcliffe"

The View from Huntcliffe looking back over Saltburn, with The Ship Inn in the foreground.The Corus Steel works is in the background (beyond Marske and Redcar).

County Durham

This first photo was taken one morning on my way to work. I saw the sun rising over the horizon and just stoppped the car. I find it a very peaceful shot and never tire of looking at it. It was taken at the roadside between Gainford and Darlington. I thought it would be a good place to start. I hope you agree?